September 5, 2012

Fraud in Paranormal – John Brightman

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Fraud in Paranormal
Fraud in Paranormal - John Brightman
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Fraud in Paranormal
Fraud in Paranormal - John Brightman

John Brightman tells us about his connection to the Rose Island Lighthouse, and how the New England G.H.O.S.T. paranormal investigation organization, led by Amy Morrison Rodriguez, left an impression so negative it caused the Lighthouse Staff to change its policies on how teams are allowed to book investigation time, and under what conditions they will be allowed to do so.

With nearly a decade of paranormal investigation experience under his belt, John Brightman leads the New England Paranormal Research organization.

In this “Fraud in Paranormal” episode, John speaks with Maine Ghost Hunters about his knowledge of, and personal experience with, the Rose Island Lighthouse in Rhode Island, and how much things have changed since the location was visited, and investigated by New England G.H.O.S.T. 

If you’ve been to the Rose Island Lighthouse for a paranormal investigation before, and have noticed things have changed since your last visit, you can learn why by listening to this episode.  John highlights the exact reasons why we should all be on our best behavior while conducting business at client locations.  Exhibiting disrespect for your own organization is one thing, but it’s something entirely different to lack consideration for; the historic locations groups are graciously allowed to investigate; the staff and owners they’re responsible to answer to; and the peer paranormal groups which may wish to investigate those same locations in the future.

John’s interview highlights the very philosophy behind “everything we, as paranormal investigators, do impacts everyone else involved in the field of paranormal”.

Maine Ghost Hunters doesn’t think teams like New England G.H.O.S.T, who left a legacy of distrust for the rest of us to follow in the footsteps of at the Rose Island Lighthouse, should be representative factors in the field of paranormal.  Yet, by their mere presence in paranormal, they are.  And for this, we all pay the price.

The Maine Ghost Hunters Podcast

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