Chad had no other options but to watch Amy Morrison Rodriguez, founder and team leader of New England G.H.O.S.T., walk off with the images he created for her organization. His experiences with this organization founder aren’t unique, but still worth the listen.
Chad Ashworth is an unemployed graphic art(s) designer who agreed to do fee-based work for Amy Morrison Rodriguez in lieu of her New England based paranormal investigation team – New England G.H.O.S.T., but wouldn’t you know it? You probably already guessed – Mrs. Rodriguez decided she didn’t want to pay Chad for the work he had done. So, she kept the non-scalable “proof” images he provided her, and displayed them proudly on her team website, as her own, while promising payment, to Chad, for services rendered. But weeks of waiting for payment turned into months of waiting for payment. And repetitive requests for payment, by Chad, were answered with cries of poverty by Mrs. Rodriguez. Being unemployed and without the means to seek legal options to recover the fees for services rendered, Chad had no choice but to walk away from the situation with a weak agreement that since he can’t force New England G.H.O.S.T. to stop displaying the non-scalable images he gave them as “proofs”, he’ll surrender his request for payment so long as they give him visible credit.
Nothing like having your arm twisted into an agreement you have no choice but to accept, right? The entire situation, as Chad so plainly stated, “left a bad taste in [my] mouth”.